They actually look quite scary, but they are possibly the most safest roundabouts to drive as long as people know they are a Spiral
and drive them in the way they were intended to be driven.

The whole purpose of a Spiral roundabout, is to allow vehicles to drive it without the need to change lane at all.

As long as when you arrive at the approach to the roundabout you are in the correct lane for the destination you are heading to,
there will be no need at all to change lane.

As you can see by the lower picture, traditionally on a standard roundabout, a vehicle may well have taken the path of the blue line.
But because the Roundabout shown is a Spiral roundabout the path the vehicle will take is the yellow line.
Once they have entered the lane for the destination they are taking they never cross a lane line at all throughout the journey around the roundabout.
Whereas had they taken the blue line path the would have crossed a lane line twice on the same journey.

Moving lane on ANY roundabout can be dangerous, ESPECIALLY IF YOU DO NOT LOOK to see there is nothing alongside you before moving.

Two Roundabouts of which one is a Spiral.

These images show the path a vehicle would take driving from any approach lane to any exit point.

Animation of the routes from some of the 
images above

Route from Fareham to Stokes Bay

Route from Gosport to Fareham

Route from Elson to Rowner

Route from Rowner to Stokes Bay

Big Spiral Roundabout